Why your green sustainability communications need the B Corp agency touch

Find out how to communicate the ways your business is a force for good

When it comes to sustainable business, the distinction of being a Certified B Corporation (B Corp) is one way to stand out as an organisation. It shows commitment to generating profit while contributing positively to people and the planet.

As sustainability communications initiatives and a focus on ESG gain traction nationally and globally, partnering with a PR and marketing agency aligned with sustainability offers a compelling advantage.

If you strive to communicate how your business is a force for good, choosing a B Corp certified PR and marketing agency makes sense for these reasons:

1. Aligned values and authenticity

Pinstone ensures your PR and marketing narrative is authentic and crafted with your stakeholders and audience in mind.

We consider the industry landscape and the key pillars of sustainability – environmental, social and economic. Aligning closely with the values of brands focused on making a difference in their sectors.

Our alignment ensures that your communications are handled with expertise and sensitivity. Understanding the opportunities and challenges facing your business.

The authenticity that comes from this careful consideration and alignment resonates deeply with audiences and end users. They are increasingly conscious about the eco-credentials of the brands and businesses they support.

See Pinstone’s sustainability credentials and business commitments here Bees Knees – Pinstone.

2. A comprehensive approach to sustainability

Unlike traditional businesses, B Corp certified communications agencies are evaluated on stringent standards across five key areas; governance, workers, environment, community and customers.

This comprehensive approach to sustainability and doing business the right way means your communications strategies will be designed with a holistic view. We consider the environmental impact, social equity, and governance issues. This enhances the credibility and impact of your sustainability stories, ensuring the narratives land.

Listen to The Bees’ Knee Comms Cast – A Pinstone Production to hear from people, brands and businesses using authentic communications to tell their sustainability stories.

3. Innovative and ethical storytelling

With a deep-rooted commitment to positive change and expertise in the food, farming and environmental sectors, Pinstone, an award-winning B Corp agency, leads in innovative communications strategies. We highlight green initiatives and a company’s ambitions ethically and creatively.

We excel in crafting stories based on technical content that stands out and inspires action. This ensures your sustainability efforts captivate and motivates.

Read about Six ways to communicate your brand’s sustainability stories – Pinstone here.

4. Building trust with audiences

Trust is a crucial currency in today’s market, especially regarding environmental claims, which are often met with scepticism.

You want to ensure your agency partners and suppliers to add credibility to your brand. B Corp, as part of a globally recognised network committed to rigorous standards, does just that.

This association enhances media trust in your business and its brands, knowing your communications are handled by an agency that walks the talk on sustainability.

5. Navigating legislation and The Green Claims Code

As regulations around environmental claims tighten and stakeholders’ expectations for corporate responsibility grow, partnering with an agency that understands this can help future-proof your brand.

Pinstone navigates the evolving landscape of sustainability adeptly. We ensure your communications comply with current standards and anticipate future trends and regulations.

The UK’s Green Claims Code combats misleading environmental claims. It mandates that businesses provide clear, accurate and substantiated information about their products’ environmental impacts.

For B2B organisations, this means rigorously examining any claims, sustainability ambitions or initiatives and ensuring they are backed by evidence.

Transparency and accuracy within technical B2B communications are key. Failure to comply could lead to reputational damage and legal repercussions.

The Green Claims Code headlines to consider:

  1. Are your claims truthful and accurate?
  2. Are your claims clear and unambiguous?
  3. Do your claims omit or hide important information?
  4. Do your claims only make fair and meaningful comparison?
  5. Have you substantiated your claims?
  6. Do your claims consider the full lifecycle of a product/ service
6. Measurable impact and reporting

B Corp certification requires organisations to meet continuous improvement metrics across all aspects of business. This translates into an annual focus on measurable impact for your sustainability communications.

As a B Corp PR and marketing agency, Pinstone helps you comprehensively report on sustainability ambitions, actions and progress. We provide transparent and verifiable evidence of your environmental and social contributions.

See Pinstone’s latest impact report here Pinstone B Corp Report


Choosing to work with a B Corp certified agency for your green communications is not just a strategic business decision; it’s a statement of your organisation’s commitment to genuine sustainability and progress.

With aligned values, authentic storytelling and a comprehensive approach to making a positive impact, we can elevate your sustainability narrative. We build trust with your stakeholders, and ensure your achievements are communicated with the credibility and impact they deserve.

Let’s connect and explore the possibilities together – Contact Us – Pinstone

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