From small acorns: Planting for a Greener Future in National Tree Week

This year Pinstone is joining the country’s conservation sector, volunteer groups and tree-lovers to celebrate National Tree Week 2023.

Taking place between 25 November – 3 December, National Tree Week marks the start of the planting season. The Pinstone team has their spades at the ready.

The annual campaign run by the National Tree Council aims to promote people’s connection to these ‘heroes of nature’. By supporting many planting events, the goals of the week are two-fold. Firstly, to ensure a tree-filled, greener future for the next generation. Secondly, to be part of the solution to climate change.

Why do trees matter so much? 

Living and working in one of the most rural regions in England. It could be easy to take trees for granted. Fortunately, at Pinstone we’re hugely appreciative of the 15% tree cover that Herefordshire boasts. We are keen to do our bit to increase that number. 

With a significant portion of our client portfolio focusing on the natural environment, we’re all conscious of trees’ important role. These magnificent lifeforms store carbon, create oxygen, reduce air pollution, mitigate floods, and aid soil retention. Not to mention the great job they do in enhancing the landscape, supporting biodiversity, and improving our sense of wellbeing.

Or as Hermann Hesse beautifully described: 

“Trees are sanctuaries. Whoever knows how to speak to them, whoever knows how to listen to them, can learn the truth.” 

National Tree Week

Pinstone planters 

As an agency we’re particularly fortunate to have a 40-acre orchard and as part of our B Corp commitment to the planet, it’s an invaluable resource that we hope to tilize even more in the coming years. More news on that to follow very soon! 

For our National Tree Week celebrations, we’ve initiated an acorn growing competition to see who can produce the tallest whip (a very young tree without any branches) by this time next year ready to plant out. You can keep an eye on our social channels to watch their progress. 


Looking at the wider landscape 

As well as giving people an opportunity to really get stuck into valuing and nurturing trees, this year’s awareness campaign is especially poignant as it coincides with the second reading of the Climate and Ecology Bill in the House of Commons.  

If passed into legislation, the Bill would ensure the UK Government reduces its greenhouse gas emissions, reverses damage to the natural world. It would also establish a climate and nature assembly to recommend measures for inclusion in an all-of-government strategy.  

These would be hugely beneficial steps in protecting our planet, that trees contribute so much to. 


Bee inspired: a guide to planting trees 

 If you’d also like to get involved in National Tree Week, why not download The Tree Council’s useful tree planting guide. Its full of handy tips and practical guidance to help you plant the right kind of tree in the right kind of place. 

"For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.”

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