Pinstone buzzing on the back of the Kenyan B Corp adventure

The team went further afield than their usual territory to visit farmers, as well as a conservation group – the South Rift Land Owners Association (SORALO) – in order to make the presentation of Pinstone-funded beehives that will be contributing much more than pollination and honey production.

Kate Hepplewhite and Catherine Linch from Pinstone had an unforgettable experience in the South Rift Valley, Kenya. Their conservation trip aligned with Pinstone’s B Corp goals to give back to people and the planet.

These beehives, when strung on a line, will form a two kilometre fence. This fence will protect local farmers’ crops from being trampled and eaten by elephants. When disturbed, the bees swarm and the elephants, who dislike bees, will run away.

Catherine Linch, Pinstone founder and managing director explains the trip’s importance: “Preventing human-wildlife conflict is key for these farming communities. They live side-by-side with some of the globe’s most precious species. We’re proud to help by gifting a nature-friendly solution.”

Kate, part of Pinstone’s consultancy team, explained how local farmers want to protect their livelihoods while respecting the region’s wildlife.

“During our visit, Patrick from SORALO explained that elephants aren’t the only troublesome species for the farming communities.”

“He showed us where lions and other predators like hyenas and leopards retreat into the dense thickets. He pointed out that it’s also where, at the end of a long drought, valuable cattle can stray to find grass.”

“So you can see how local herders and wildlife could come into conflict.”

“It was really interesting to hear directly from the people who have suffered due to the devastation of crops caused by elephants, or because of the loss of their animals due to other predators.”

“It’s easy to see how they could overlook the benefits these beasts bring to the region’s economy because the crops and livestock really are a community lifeline.”

“So it’s credit to the work of SORALO that the community engagement project has worked.”

“As well as employing teams of rangers, SORALO has recruited local cattle herders to track predators daily so farmers know their whereabouts. They also retrieve lost cattle. When the drought is bad they can pick up over 2,000 livestock in a single month. Preventing conflict is key to living side by side.”

Supporting women in conservation

During their African trip Catherine met a group of women rangers. She felt privileged to hear their stories and learn about their in patrolling the South Rift Valley.

In traditional African Maasai communities, it’s unusual for women to choose, or have the opportunity, to take a career path. It can be frowned upon. The women they met were pioneers in establishing equity in their work. They proved themselves to be as capable as their male counterparts.

It reminded me of how many women were perceived in the UK in former generations. I was impressed by how seriously they clearly took their roles and the recognition of the opportunities a career could bring.

The conservation group leader at SORALO was keen to introduce us. They wanted to present role models of career-minded women to their female ranger cohort. I hope we made a positive impression that will encourage them to pursue their life and career goals.

Patrick explains the work they are doing

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