Sounds obvious but the planning stage of effective social media and how it integrates with wider PR is often overlooked.
This certainly seemed to resonate with delegates I addressed at today’s NFU Mutual General Secretaries Conference in Scotland.
It stands to reason that the most social media savvy within a business may not be those who are also aware or engaged in the business strategy.

A PR plan doesn’t have to be complex, but to maximise value, assessing if your comms is getting to the audience you want to reach, via the channels that they engage with and using content that’s most appealing to them, is worthwhile and is the most important driver for a year’s worth of content.This stage is vitally important – and doesn’t rely on a knowledge of using social media platforms. But what typically happens is that social media isn’t seen as being strongly linked to the business objectives and a key opportunity for developing and instilling an organisation’s profile and reputation is completely missed.If your PR strategy through to execution and measurement isn’t up to scratch and you’re seeking sustained PR outreach to your audiences, get in touch