Pinstone buzzing on the back of the Kenyan B Corp adventure

conservation trip to Kenya’s South Rift Valley, aligning with Pinstone’s B Corp goals.

The team went further afield than their usual territory to visit farmers, as well as a conservation group – the South Rift Land Owners Association (SORALO) – in order to make the presentation of Pinstone-funded beehives that will be contributing much more than pollination and honey production.

Empowering Diversity: Why inclusion matters in an agency setting

To mark National Inclusion Week 25 Sep – 1 Oct, discover how Pinstone is empowering diversity through self-belief and mentorship.

In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the value of having a diverse and inclusive workforce. To mark National Inclusion Week 25 September – 1 October, we’ve been considering ways that our agency can be more equitable for employees, clients and stakeholders.